Contemporary Kitchen Stools
I made these stools from black walnut (for the seat) and cherry (for the legs). I got the inspiration from a video that I saw from a French woodworker named Boris Beaulant. I adapted his design to make them taller and suitable to sit at a kitchen counter You can find his design here.
The stools are made from black walnut (for the seats) and cherry (for the legs).
I used walnut that was roughly 8" wide that I cut to be 65" long. This would be enough material to cut 8 squares that were 7 3/4".
The cherry was about 10" wide that I cut to get eight 3" boards for the length.
I jointed and planed all of the wood to be 1" thick.
There were several voids that I needed to fill with epoxy. I used clear epoxy for some of the voids, and then I added brown dye to fill some of the other voids to give the wood a bit of character.